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你知道天猫吗英语作文,英语作文 你对双十一购物节有什么看法

来源:整理 时间:2022-12-17 14:17:14 编辑:强盗电商 手机版


1,英语作文 你对双十一购物节有什么看法

双十一购物狂欢节是指每年11月11日的网络促销日源于淘宝商城(天猫)2009年11月11日举办的促销活动,当时参与的商家数量和促销力度有限,但营业额远超预想的效果,于是11月11日成为天猫举办大规模促销活动的固定日期。近年来双十一已成为中国电子商务行业的年度盛事,并且逐渐影响到国际电子商务行业。“双十一”不仅让电商热衷于促销,就连运营商也开始搞促销活动了。2015年11月9日至11月19日,中国联通在联通网上营业厅、手机营业厅、天猫旗舰店及京东商城等多个平台同时开展“11.11沃4G狂欢节”活动。2014年11月11日,阿里巴巴双十一全天交易额571亿元。2015年11月11日,天猫双十一全天交易额912.17亿元。[1] 2016年10月24日0点,天猫双11红包正式开抢,时间为2016年10月24日00:00:00至2016年11月10日23:59:59。[2] 2016年11日24时,天猫双十一全天交易额超1207亿。
in the way about double festival shopping
"Double Eleven"

英语作文 你对双十一购物节有什么看法


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介绍淘宝英语作文Taobao is a non-stop online platform for shopping, socializing and information sharing for consumers in China. Founded by parent Alibaba Group, it facilitates transactions between individual consumers and a wide range of sellers such as retailers, wholesalers, and other individuals. Sellers are able to post new and used goods for sale on the Taobao marketplace either through a fixed price or negotiated sale or by auction.



首先,Materialism相对的词通常是Idealism浪漫主义用Romanticism,相对的词通常是 Realism。其次,地道英语作文最好少用包含很多从句的长句,因为读者难以理解主体。所以通过合理断句和改变主语让意思层层递进。还有,时态统一。叙事用过去,评论用现在。最后,可以省略的从句代词和动词,省略之,简化句子。In the recent popular show about looking for life partner which named “If You Are the One”, a female guest whose name is Ma Nuo said, she would rather choose to cry in BMW than to laugh on the bike.改成:Recently, there was a popular show called “If You Are the One”. The show was about looking for life partners. One the show, a female guest named Ma Nuo said she would rather cry on a BMW than laugh on a bike.Nowadays, material concerns are more important than romance in a relationship leads to marriage.修改:material issues(concern有担心的意思,issue比较中性,表示和婚姻有关的事情或主题) are often considered (这样写比较客观,毕竟这句话并不是所有人赞同)more important than romantic relationships(lead to marriage可以不要,因为谁都知道,而且打破比较句的parallelism).Although many young people who influence by romantic ideals may disagree, I think that when romance meets materialism, the final winner will belong to materialism. The reasons can be listed as follows:修改:are influenced by...I think改成I believe,因为think语气太弱了,I think在英语里和没有没什么区别。the final winner will be materialism,因为belong to只表示所有格的意思,没有be的意思。My reasons are listed as follows,因为can be有点奇怪,are直接了当。先写这些,后面的等你看完了上面的hi我



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